Politics, Mission, Certifications

The best guarantees for the customer

EB Sicurezza e Ambiente srl is founded on constant commitment, quality, rigor, respect and excellence.

To ensure that our organization respects principles and methodologies useful for guaranteeing high quality performance to our customers, we have chosen to periodically subject ourselves to rigorous technical and ethical inspections.

Internal and external checks allow you to maintain and exceed industry standards, reflecting our commitment to maximum customer satisfaction, with a permanent focus on continuous innovation and improvement

With these premises EB Sicurezza e Ambiente has created its identity


  1. Confidentiality and respect
  2. Sensitivity and humility
  3. Preparation and sharing
  4. Ambition by taking on new challenges
  5. Listening and observation skills
  6. Ability to work in team
  7. Punctuality
  8. Quickness
  9. Constant updating
  10. Qualifications and accreditations


  • Support the Employer, Managers and Companies in developing the culture of prevention;
  • Transform fulfillments and obligations into possibilities for growth and development of the image and organization;
  • Convert obstacles into opportunities, using knowledge, experience and technology.


EB Sicurezza e Ambiente srl requires its collaborators and suppliers to fulfill their respective duties and the roles and responsibilities take on, to courageously respect, protect and promote the key values ​​of the firm, including:

  • Honesty, integrity and professionalism;
  • Knowledge, excellence, incentive to study and research, responsibility;
  • Fulfillment of duties towards the Customer;
  • Fairness, impartiality, loyal collaboration and transparency;
  • Respect for agreed deadlines.


EB SICUREZZA E AMBIENTE has a management system according ISO 9001: 2015 standards

Certificate no:  39 001851609 –  ACCREDIA

The staff of EB Sicurezza e Ambiente has relevant national and European certifications and qualifications, always and constantly updated with the best and most stringent criteria.

AIFOS logo
cfa aifos logo
aarba certifications

Accreditation with the register of Qualified Experts in B – BS .

We are:

Quality certificate:

TUV certification


Le Fonti Awards 2022

Our policy



EB SICUREZZA E AMBIENTE SRL recognizes and is aware of the importance of respecting the rights of the interested parties and follows the personal data management policy with the aim of protecting the safety of people expressed in confidentiality their identity and information relating to their private life, political and religious views, health, ethnicity, sexual orientation and habits.

EB SICUREZZA E AMBIENTE SRL pays careful attention to the procedures and tools applied in data processing, ensuring that there are no dangers and risks for the interested parties. In fact, the organization has determined, in consideration of each risk that may burden the interested parties may face, the technical and organizational measures compliant with the references of the European Regulation 679/2016 and other provisions issued by the Italian Guarantor and periodically evaluates their effectiveness.

EB SICUREZZA E AMBIENTE SRL undertakes to carry out continuous monitoring of legislative developments in order to ensure absolute compliance with the provisions.

Roveredo in Piano, March 20, 03




EB SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT has chosen to refer to the following code of conduct, according to art. 40 of EU regulation 2016/679 to demonstrate compliance and compliance with the obligations by the owner and his agents and managers, in having implemented the organizational and security measures appropriate to the particular type of data processed.

Code of Conduct

Collecting the personal data of the interested parties in a transparent manner.
Recording personal data for specific purposes, according to the legitimate interest of the owner and data controller.
Processing data accurately and, if necessary, updating it.
Transcribing data in public documents by carrying out pseudonymisation, i.e. masking a person's personal and sensitive data so as not to make them easily attributable to them.
Checking, before starting its processing, that the interested party has read the specific information and, if necessary, has given consent to the processing of data.
Allowing the interested parties to exercise their rights (of access, rectification, limitation, cancellation, data portability, opposition, complaint).
In case of minors: obtain the consent of the holders of parental responsibility.
Implementing technical and organizational data security measures.
Notifying the interested parties and the Supervisory Authority in the event of a data breach.
Complying with the directives of Regulation 679/2016 in case of data transfer to third countries.
Respecting out-of-court procedures in the event of disputes.
Roveredo in Piano, March 20, 03


Our code of ethics


EB Sicurezza e Ambiente S.R.L., from now on shorted as EB, is an organization the members have different backgrounds, hold heterogeneous roles and responsibilities and maintain multiple and diversified relationships. The existence of a community implies both the recognition and respect of individual rights and the acceptance of duties and responsibilities towards EB and all its members. Aware of the social function regarding the protection of people, the community and education, EB reflects the values ​​that historically underpin the study, teaching and the other many activities of the studio and informs its work in order to favor the excellence, honor and good name of the firm, the creation of an environment based on dialogue and correct interpersonal relationships, openness and exchanges with national and international professional and associative communities, education on values ​​and training - protection of the person in all its aspects.

EB requires its members, employees, collaborators and suppliers, technical-administrative staff and external personnel, as well as any other component of EB, from now on shortened as components, to fulfil their respective duties, as well as the roles and the responsibilities assumed both individually and within collegial bodies, to respect, protect and courageously promote the key values ​​of the firm, including:

(a) human dignity;
(b) rejection of any unfair discrimination and valorization of both merit and individual and cultural diversity;
(c) advancement of freedom and fundamental rights;
(d) responsibility and recognition-fulfillment of duties towards the community;
(e) honesty, integrity, confidentiality and professionalism;
(f) knowledge, excellence, encouragement of studies and research;
(g) fairness, impartiality, loyal collaboration and transparency.

EB recognizes itself in the values ​​enshrined in the Constitution of the Italian Republic, as regards to the development of culture, research, professionalism, and the right for capable and deserving people to reach the highest levels without harming the rights of others.

The values ​​recognized in this preamble determine applicable standards of conduct:

(a) in the composition-interpretation of ethical issues regulated in Parts II and III of this code;
(b) in the composition-interpretation of other ethical issues relevant to the activities and life of the firm.

This code does not replace the law but adds to the regulatory provisions applicable to the members of the firm and from which rights and duties arise.

PART II: RULES OF CONDUCT - Art. 1: Rejection of any unfair discrimination

All members of EB have the right to be treated with understanding and equal respect and consideration, and not to be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly, on the basis of one or more factors, including religion, gender, sexual orientation, conscience and personal beliefs, physical appearance and skin colour, language, ethnic or social origins, citizenship, personal and health conditions, pregnancy, family choices, age.

Direct discrimination exists when, on the basis of any of the reasons referred to in the previous paragraph, a person is/has been/would be treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation. Indirect discrimination exists when an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice can put the categories of people identifiable on the basis of the factors listed in the first paragraph at a disadvantage, unless such provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate objective, and the means used to achieve it are appropriate and necessary.

In order to ensure complete equality in the various aspects of the life of EB, the principle of non-discrimination does not prevent the maintenance or adoption of specific measures aimed at avoiding or compensating for disadvantages related to any of the reasons referred to in the first paragraph. EB rejects and adopts appropriate strategies aimed at discouraging discriminatory or oppressive behavior that is routinely and prolonged over time, carried out against a member during work by subjects in a superior position or by other colleagues, which take form of psychological persecution or moral violence such as to determine a degradation of working conditions, or capable of compromising an individual's, professionalism, existence or dignity.

EB rejects any form of unreasonable social prejudice, any harassment or nuisance adopted for one of the reasons referred to in the first paragraph, any stigmatizing, degrading or humiliating practice, i.e. the idea of ​​supremacy or moral superiority of one group over another. It is the responsibility of EB and its members to encourage initiatives aimed at protecting and enhancing disadvantaged categories, individual and cultural diversity.

Art. 2: Sexual abuse and harassment

EB does not tolerate abuse or annoyance of sexual nature, understood as discriminatory conduct detrimental to the personal sense of human dignity, and ensures victims prompt protection free from prejudice. Sexual abuse and annoyance are defined as requests for sexual favours, and/or unwanted proposals for services of sexual nature, and/or degrading attitudes or verbal expressions having as their object the personal sphere of sexuality addressed to a person, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

The existence of an asymmetric position between the harasser and the victim constitutes an aggravating element of sexual abuse or annoyance, as it may occur that:

(a) the victim's acceptance is, implicitly or explicitly, a condition for access, employment or continued relationship with EB; or (b) the acceptance or refusal constitutes – entirely or partially, implicitly or expressly – an element of evaluation relevant to employment, promotion, career advancement or other decisions concerning the victim; or (c) the purpose or effect of the conduct is to create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment. that can significantly diminish the victim's work performance.

Also considering the educational role of EB, sexual abuse or harassment by trainers towards clients/trainees is particularly serious.

Art. 3: Intellectual freedom

EB is committed to creating an environment that favors the ideal of individual freedom and autonomy, understood as a prerequisite for excellence, teaching, professionalism, the broadest research and intellectual exploration and the pursuit of knowledge.

In the exercise of intellectual freedom, the members of EB are required to maintain honest and responsible conduct, also through the adoption of self-regulation systems aimed at illustrating the methodology, results, integrity and impact to the community and society, as well as work ethic.

The members of EB are also required to maintain collaborative and respectful conduct towards organizational decisions made for the purposes of efficiency, fairness, impartiality, correctness, confidentiality and transparency.

Art. 4: Intellectual property and plagiarism

Except as otherwise provided, the members of the firm are required to comply with the rules on intellectual property and plagiarism. The author of an intellectual work belonging to EB is required not to use it for private or competitive purposes, and to maintain confidentiality.

EB, in consideration of the relevance of the activity, believes that its results must contribute to the development and well-being of itself, its customers and the community. Intellectual property is therefore in favor of EB, within a mutual relationship of sharing objectives regarding the use of the results of the activities.

Plagiarism is defined as the partial or total attribution of words, ideas, research, works, software or discoveries of others to oneself or to another author, regardless of the language in which they are officially presented or disclosed, or by omitting citing the sources. What is developed and created in the activity performed or what has come to be known or possessed, as a component of EB in any capacity remains property of EB and its disclosure in any form is prohibited, unless formally authorized. Plagiarism or theft of intellectual property may be intentional or the effect of non-diligent conduct and it will be punished by the application of the disciplinary code as well as by law.

In group activities, the coordinator is responsible for:

(a) promoting conditions that allow each participant to operate with integrity, honesty, professionalism and freedom;

(b) highlighting individual merits and identifying the responsibilities of each participant;

(c) soliciting dialogue, cooperation, criticism, argumentation, the development of ideas and personal skills, especially when carrying out borderline scientific activities or those that require a complex and/or multidisciplinary methodological approach.

Art. 5: Conflict of interest

There is a conflict of interest when private interests of a member of EB actually or potentially conflicts with the interest, not only economic ones, of EB. This conflict also concerns external working relationships with training institutions or potentially competing activities.

The private interest, not only of an economic nature, of a member of the EB, may concern:

(a) the immediate interest of the person as a member of the EB;

(b) the interests of a family member of an EB member;

(c) the interest of entities, natural or legal persons with which an EB member has a relationship of interest in any form or commercial nature;

(d) the interests of entities or legal persons over which an EB member has control or holds a significant financial participation;

(e) the interests of third parties, if they can knowingly obtain advantages from an individual member of EB.

A member of the EB who, in a specific operation or circumstance, has interests in conflict with those of their role must immediately inform the responsible or hierarchically superior body or person, or must abstain from any deliberations or decisions in this regard.

Art. 6: Nepotism and favoritism

EB disapproves of nepotism and favoritism, as they conflict with human dignity, with the valorization of individual merits, with honesty, integrity, professionalism and academic freedom, with fairness, impartiality and transparency, and requires EB members to abstain from this custom and to report cases of suspicious conduct to the ethics commission.

Nepotism occurs when a member, directly or indirectly, uses their authority or ability to persuade to grant benefits, favor assignments or calls, influence selection procedures concerning, in particular - but not exclusively - the introduction of children, family members or cohabitants , including related ones.

The verification of cases of nepotism and favoritism by the ethics commission requires an approach that takes into account context and circumstances, in order to balance the different values ​​at play and avoid arbitrary discrimination of objectively deserving and excellent candidates.

Art. 7: Abuse of one's position

No member of EB is allowed to use, directly or indirectly, the authority of their position or office in order to force other members of EB to carry out activities or services advantageous to themself, provided that such execution is not configurable as a legal obligation of the latter.

Abuse can also occur through behavior which, although not illegitimate, is clearly in conflict with the spirit of the rules and regulations of EB.

Art. 8: Use of EB resources

Members of EB must use the resources, subject to authorization, in a responsible and diligent manner, so as to be able to justify the expenses and produce suitable documentation or reports to EB.

No member is permitted to use or grant EB equipment, spaces or human, material or financial resources to external people or bodies for purposes of personal nature and/or for purposes other than those of EB, or in any case not expressly approved by EB.

Art. 9: Use of the name and reputation of EB

All members of EB are required to respect its good name and not cause damage to the reputation of the firm.

Unless expressly authorized, no member of EB is allowed to:

(a) improperly use the EB logo and name;

(b) use the reputation of EB in association with professional activities, jobs, assignments or other external activities, even unpaid;

(c) express strictly personal points of view using the name of EB.

Art. 10: Gifts and benefits

The members of EB are required not to solicit nor propose or to refuse any non-symbolic offer of gifts or benefits likely to influence, even indirectly, the carrying out of the firm's activities.

The members may accept spontaneous offers of gifts or benefits of merely nominal economic value that occur during cultural meetings, visits or public scientific conferences, provided that the acceptance does not affect, even indirectly, the performance of the activity.

Art. 11: Confidential information

All members of EB are required to:

(a) respect the confidentiality of information acquired from customers, people or entities of which EB holds protected information;
(b) not reveal confidential data or information relating to the participation in the study.

Art. 12: Justification of decisions

The members of the firm are always required to provide adequate and objective reasons for relevant decisions, including those affecting the position or career of other members of the firm, and those having as their object the description or promotion of training activities.

PART III: IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS - Art. 14: Observance and violation of the code of ethics

In accordance with the provisions of the Preamble and the Rules of Conduct, it is also the duty of the members of the firm:

(a) read this code and the interpretative practices; (b) familiarize themselves with the standards of conduct set forth in this code and

emerging from interpretative practices; (c) contact the ethics commission for advice on the application of this code or appropriate conduct in relation to matters covered by this code; (d) observe this code and interpretative practices, including promptly reporting

conduct of dubious compliance promptly to the ethics commission. In compliance with civil, criminal and administrative regulations, the confirmed violation of this code may constitute grounds for the determination of disciplinary sanctions by the competent bodies.

Art. 15: Ethics Commission

It is the task of EB to establish a specific Ethics Commission, currently made up a President and Vice President.

The Ethics Commission:

(a) has consultative, research, investigative and control functions regarding the implementation and compliance with the rules of this code and interpretative practices;

(b) favors, where possible, the amicable settlement of any disputes;

c) can propose disciplinary action against non-compliers to the Board of Directors;

(d) submits proposals for the revision or integration of this code to the competent Board of Directors.

The acts of the Ethics Commission must be justified.

Art. 16: Dissemination and implementation of the code of ethics

It is theresponsability of EB to promote the widest dissemination of this code, through publications, communications, delivery and any other means deemed suitable for this purpose.

EB intervenes promptly with every means to implement this code where the need arises.